Love Like Light: Plays and Performance Texts by Daniel Alexander Jones | 拾書所

Love Like Light: Plays and Performance Texts by Daniel Alexander Jones

  • 出版日期: 2021-10-26
  • ISBN碼: 9781732545243
  • 編號: F016288376
$ 1,500 元 原價 1,500

Daniel Alexander Jones’s wildflower body of work grows in relationship to a wide range of audiences. Black Light premiered at the Public Theater/Joe’s Pub for a critically acclaimed 6-week run. Duat premiered at Soho Rep in 2016. His other performance pieces and plays include Radiate, Phoenix Fabrik, Blood: Shock: Boogie, and Bel Canto, The Book of Daniel, made with musician Walter Kitundu and director Tea Alagic. Daniel was named a 2019 Guggenheim Fellow and a 2015 Doris Duke Artist in recognition of his risk-taking practice.

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