Spatial Mapping and Modelling for Kala-Azar Disease | 拾書所

Spatial Mapping and Modelling for Kala-Azar Disease

$ 3,000 元 原價 3,000

Gouri Sankar Bhunia received his Ph.D. from the University of Calcutta, India in 2015. His Ph.D. dissertation work focused on environmental control measures of infectious disease (Visceral leishmaniasis or kala-azar) using Geospatial technology. His research interests include Kala-azar disease transmission modeling, environmental modelling, risk assessment, data mining and information retrieval using Geospatial technology. Dr. Bhunia is associate editor and on the editorial boards of three international journals in Health GIS and Geosciences. He is a recipient of the Senior Research Fellow (SRF) from Rajendra Memorial Research Institute of Medical Sciences (ICMR, India) and contributed to multiple research programs Kala-azar disease transmission modelling, development of Customized GIS software for Kala-azar "risk" and "non-risk" area and entomological study.

Pravat Kumar Shit received his Ph.D. in Geography (Applied Geomorphology) from Vidyasagar University (India) in 2013, M.Sc. in Geography and Environment Management from Vidyasagar University in 2005 and PG Diploma in Remote Sensig & GIS from Sambalpur University in 2015. He is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography, Raja N. L. Khan Women’s College (Autonomus), Gope Palace, Midnapore, West Bengal, India. His main fields of research are soil erosion spatial modeling, badland geomorphology, gully morphology, water resources and natural resources mapping and modeling. His research work has been funded by the University Grants Commission (UGC), India. Dr. Shit is associate editor and on the editorial boards of three international journals in geography, and earth environment science.

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