Dr. Who: Solar Returns Vol 3 (1975-1981) - The Unofficial Guide | 拾書所

Dr. Who: Solar Returns Vol 3 (1975-1981) - The Unofficial Guide

$ 299 元 原價 299

www.robincalvert.co.uk The BBC published one of Robin’s monologues on the 5Live & Writersroom websites for WORLD CUP TAPES in 2006. Robin graduated from the University of Central Lancashire in Preston with a first-class Bachelor Arts Degree in Film/Television Screenwriting (2011). The escapist spy-fi thrillers CLOAK AND DAGGER: OPENING GAMBIT (2012), CLOAK AND DAGGER: PANDORA’S BOX (2013), CLOAK AND DAGGER: EYE OF THE BEHOLDER (2014) & CLOAK & DAGGER: GUNS, TYRES, PURSUERS OF THE CHASE (2016) are published on Amazon. GHOST STORIES UK VOL 3: MRS. HAMBLETON’S OTTOMAN (2014), Audio Download from www.wordofmouthproductions.co.uk

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