The Book Wall: Artron Art Center - The Mecca Where Books Are Created, Crafted, Enjoyed and Discussed | 拾書所

The Book Wall: Artron Art Center - The Mecca Where Books Are Created, Crafted, Enjoyed and Discussed

$ 3,610 元 原價 3,610

Artron Art Education takes the responsibility of popularizing art and enriching the people’s spiritual civilization, and builds a comprehensive art education platform with a multi-dimensional structure. The organization established the Artron Art Centre and used it as a carrier to disseminate art to the masses through art courses and art exhibitions focusing on art exhibitions. In this artistic space, the public can read, learn, and meditate. It can talk with friends, improvise, and capture inspiration. Artron Art Centre has carefully selected art books and literature materials of 10 different languages. Each language is managed by a professional team. Russian book selections are by specially invited doctors in art history at St. Petersburg University in Russia. Curators focusing on Italian art recommend Italian books. Spanish and French books are collectively chosen by a group of scholars based in Spain and France. For both traditional and simplified Chinese books selection, we are more concerned about cooperation with great art academies in China to maintain the academic level and art purity. In particular, we have invited the invited Gombrich Research Group, professors and doctoral students at China Academy of Art, and experts at Hubei Institute of Fine Arts as book consultants.

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