TNT the New Theatre: Lessons, Techniques and Ideas for Making New Theatre for a Changing World from the Most Widely Travelled Theatre That | 拾書所

TNT the New Theatre: Lessons, Techniques and Ideas for Making New Theatre for a Changing World from the Most Widely Travelled Theatre That

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Dr. Phil Smith is a performance-maker, writer and academic researcher, specialising in work around walking, site-specificity, mythogeographies and counter-tourism. With artist Helen Billinghurst, he is one half of Crab & Bee, who have recently completed an exhibition and walking project called ’Plymouth Labyrinth (funded by Arts Council England), a short walking project in the Isles of Scilly and a residency at Teats Hill slipway. They are currently engaged in a series of walks across the UK researching their forthcoming book, The Pattern (2020). With Tony Whitehead and photographer John Schott, Phil recently published Guidebook for an Armchair Pilgrimage with Triarchy Press. He is currently developing a ’subjectivity-protective movement practice’ with Canada-based choreographer Melanie Kloetzel. With Claire Hind and Helen Billinghurst, he co-organised the 2019 ’Walking’s New Movements’ conference at the University of Plymouth. As company dramaturg and co-writer for TNT Theatre (Munich), he most recently premiered ’Free Mandela’, co-authored with TNT’s artistic director Paul Stebbings, about the end of apartheid in South Africa. Paul and Phil are presently working on a book about TNT Theatre’s transformation from tiny experimental theatre company to global touring organisation. ? Phil is a member of site-based arts collective Wrights & Sites, who recently published The Architect-Walker (2018). As well as Walking Stumbling Limping Falling (2017) with poet Alyson Hallett, Phil’s publications include Making Site-Specific Theatre and Performance (Red Globe/Palgrave Macmillan, 2018), Rethinking Mythogeography (2018) (with US photographer John Schott), Anywhere (2017), A Footbook of Zombie Walking and Walking’s New Movement (2015), On Walking and Enchanted Things (2014), Counter-Tourism: The Handbook (2012) and Mythogeography (2010). He is an Associate Professor (Reader) at the University of Plymouth. Paul Stebbings was born in Nottingham. He studied Drama at Bristol University and trained in the Grotowski method in Britain and Poland. After directing and acting professionally he founded TNT Theatre with Phil Smith in 1980. The company expanded rapidly, achieving funding from the UK government. TNT began its international touring in 1981 and gradually became a global theatre company. ? In 1993 TNT began its collaboration with Grantly Marshall’s ADG Europe. Paul gradually shifted from actor-producer to theatre director and writer. He began directing Shakespeare’s major works in 2001. He has also directed independently in theatres as diverse as the St Petersburg State Comedy Theatre, the Athens Concert Hall, the Shanghai Dramatic Arts Centre, Teatro Espressivo de Costa Rica and the Munich Glyptothek, all in languages other than English. Paul is the author or co-author (with Phil Smith) of over thirty plays or adaptations of novels. TNT performs around the world, giving more performances in more countries than any other theatre company. In 2014 Paul was awarded an MBE by Queen Elizabeth for services to British culture. Paul lives in Munich and is married to the TV producer Angelika Stebbings.

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