The Art of Swedish Weaving: A Practical Handbook | 拾書所

The Art of Swedish Weaving: A Practical Handbook

$ 1,214 元 原價 1,214

Amica Sundström is a textile aficionado at heart. She is well-versed within her field, with a wide scope and a lot of in-depth detail, especially within the weaving. At an early stage during her education, she specialized in reconstructions of prehistoric and historical textiles, which brought on the desire to learn more of their context, which is why she continued by studying archaeology and textile history. Working at the Swedish History Museum where she works as a curator, in charge of the textile collections. She is a much-appreciated speaker within the field of textiles, and specifically prehistoric textiles and dress. Amica currently resides in Stockholm, Sweden.

Åsa Pärson is a graduate of the Swedish School of Textiles in Borås and the University College of Arts, Crafts, and Design in Stockholm. When designing textiles Pärson is reductive in her approach, allowing only the essential elements to remain. Her designs reflect her preference for fixed structures and have a clean, simple, and timeless expression. She currently resides in Stockholm, Sweden.

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