Mums Who Lead: Become CEO of Your Family and Home | 拾書所

Mums Who Lead: Become CEO of Your Family and Home

$ 684 元 原價 684

Dr Caz Udall (PhD) is a writer, speaker, coach, and former academic who is committed to helping Mums step into a leadership mindset and lead home and family. Her doctoral thesis explored the organisational and personal benefits of leadership skills at all levels of an organisation, revealing that leadership is not only relevant to those at the top. Post PhD and now a Mum of 3, she has continued to explore motherhood with a leadership mindset. She is the founder of Dr Caz - Leadership of Mums; an online platform dedicated to changing the narrative around motherhood and inspiring Mums to find their Inner Leader. Her Leadership of Mums work encompasses coaching, online resources and courses, workshops and speaking. Caz has written for several publications on modern motherhood and parenting. She has a website and blog, and is active on Instagram. She is a regular guest on podcasts, and a speaker and guest panelist for various motherhood-related events and for schools and colleges in the UK.

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