Citizens Without a City: Destruction and Despair After the l’’Aquila Earthquake | 拾書所

Citizens Without a City: Destruction and Despair After the l’’Aquila Earthquake

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-- Bock is an early-career scholar who is steering his career toward nonprofit and charity-based work which seeks to establish clear dialogue around issues of diversity in religion, gender, and ethnicity. -- This work is important because it provides a critical understanding of the ways in which political maneuvering can misdirect desperately-needed aid and responses after natural disasters and other crises. -- The work contributes to critical debates about the possibilities of citizenship as a practice of political belonging under circumstances marked by urban decay and state instability as well as crisis and emergency. -- The audience is students and scholars working on modern Italy and urban anthropology, state crisis management, trauma and memory studies, issues of nationality, and modern European history.

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