哈利波特行李箱豪華收藏組(附入學信、劫盜地圖、魔杖筆、巧克力蛙別針等)Harry Potter: Hogwarts Trunk Collectible Set | 拾書所

哈利波特行李箱豪華收藏組(附入學信、劫盜地圖、魔杖筆、巧克力蛙別針等)Harry Potter: Hogwarts Trunk Collectible Set

$ 888 元 原價 1,330

  終於等到期盼已久的入學信!拿出和魔法界名人哈利波特同款的行李箱,整理入學的必備物品,帶上七大經典的魔法道具和用品,準備展開精彩的魔法冒險。9/1 早上十一點, 九又四分之三月台,霍格華茲特快車準時出發!

  ★劫盜地圖 —— 月影、蟲尾、獸足與鹿角榮譽出品

  An officially licensed collectible replica of Harry Potter’s trunk for the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry featuring a wand pen, interactive journal, enamel pin, Marauder’s map, Quidditch match ticket, and more! A perfect gift for fans of the Wizarding World, the kit includes:
  4-1/4 x 7″ Hogwarts-themed journal with quotes, writing prompts, and photos throughout
  Harry Potter’s Wand pen
  Chocolate frog enamel pin
  Replicas of Harry Potter’s Hogwarts acceptance letter, a train ticket on the Hogwarts Express, a Marauder’s map, and a ticket to a Quidditch match
  Keepsake box modeled after Harry’s own trunk, featuring a lock and deluxe finishes

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