Mortimer’’s: An Illustrated Reprise | 拾書所

Mortimer’’s: An Illustrated Reprise

  • 出版日期: 2022-05-17
  • ISBN碼: 9781943876211
  • 編號: F017820259
$ 3,230 元 原價 3,230

Take a trip down memory lane to witness 22 years (1976-1998) of Mortimer’s, one of the most notable restaurant hotspots that ever existed for an international celebrity clientele. Found in these pages is a feast of ephemera, including menus, recipes, invitations, proprietor Glenn Birnbaum’s personal letters, and publicity clips. Overall, the book provides a glimpse into the culture, food, entertainment, fashion, and basic social intercourse during the heyday of the New York social scene.

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