Single on Purpose: Redefine Everything. Find Yourself First. | 拾書所

Single on Purpose: Redefine Everything. Find Yourself First.

$ 471 元 原價 646

  經歷了一場讓人身心俱疲的離婚後,心理諮商師、暢銷書《I Used to Be a Miserable F*ck》作者約翰.基姆才發現,自己其實從未真的好好體驗孤獨的滋味──他的人生,總是不斷地在尋覓對象、約會、交往、分手,然後再從頭來過。基姆認真意識到,太過渴望透過他人證明自己的價值,讓他缺乏忍受孤獨的能力。他開始重新打造與自己的關係,不再因單身而認為自己不被需要,而是設法活得充實而富足。

  The author of I Used to Be a Miserable F*ck, The Angry Therapist, now teaches you how to prioritize your relationship with yourself and live a more meaningful life, whether you’re alone, dating, or with a partner.
  There’s more to life than loving someone. But being single can feel like a death sentence. Why does being alone = being lonely? And why do we stop working on ourselves when we’re in a relationship?
  After a painful divorce, “The Angry Therapist” John Kim realized he had never truly been on his own. He went on a journey to rebuild his relationship with himself, going from alone and disconnected to alone and fulfilled.

  Kim has gone on to help thousands of clients find their own unique way to break free of expectations and finally live their truth. With Single on Purpose, Kim takes his signature no-BS “self-help in a shot glass” approach as he shares his own singlehood story and shows readers how to own their shit, break their patterns, and find a grounded sense of self.
  Spending time to cultivate your relationship with yourself shouldn’t be something you only do when you hit rock bottom, go through a major loss, or have a quarter-life crisis. All of us, at some point, need to be single—on purpose.

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