A=-A | 拾書所


$ 803 元 原價 1,100

  「光怪陸離,感人至深。……簡言之,就是一段旅程。 」---威爾斯年度圖書獎得主Niall Griffiths盛讚
  創作素材橫跨繪畫、版畫、攝影的希臘藝術家Dimitris Anastasiou,在本書中,隨著故事情節的改變,運用不同的繪畫技巧,先後以鉛筆素描、黑白鋼筆畫、全彩繪畫勾勒出Alpha身處情境以及「真實」的驟變。
  《A=-A》創作起始為Dimitris Anastasiou多年前辦展時一幅細膩的鉛筆素描。他當時希望將這幅畫作延伸成更大的作品,便以「飛越雅典的人」做為這本圖像小說的故事起點。(文/博客來編譯)

  A=-A is a beautiful, dark and surreal story, about a man called Alpha whose world is quite literally turned upside down for a day. As he wanders the streets of his hometown, reality flips on its axis, sending him and the reader on a wild and extraordinary journey.

  This wholly immersive, escapist, psychedelic mystery centres around two profound philosophical questions: in a strange and unreliable world, can we be certain of anything? And if we stop craving certainty - and entertain doubt - what new possibilities become available to us?

  'Gloriously odd, deeply moving . . . In short: a trip.' - Niall Griffiths, winner of the Wales Book of the Year 2020

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