Dungeons & Dragons: The Ultimate Pop-Up Book: (D&d Books) | 拾書所

Dungeons & Dragons: The Ultimate Pop-Up Book: (D&d Books)

$ 2,199 元 原價 3,230

  傳奇角色扮演遊戲《龍與地下城》重磅推出沉浸式立體書,帶你以全新的方式穿越被遺忘的國度(Forgotten Realms)!

  由《Dungeons & Dragons Young Adventurer's Guide》系列作者Jim Zub與Stacy King攜手紙藝設計師Matthew Reinhart共同創作而成,書中還有Claudio Pozas繪製的數十個經典人物與遊戲場景。
  從深水城、絕東城等地點,到奪心魔、寶箱怪、鴞熊以及眼魔等各式魔幻生物,《Dungeons & Dragons Young Adventurer's Guide》以立體設計的方式,讓讀者有身歷其境之感。讀者還可以在書中找到雙刀遊俠崔斯特與魔法黑豹關海法的身影!

See Dungeons & Dragons come to life through the incredible craftwork of pop-up legend Matthew Reinhart! Let a paper craft D20 guide your adventure as you explore iconic D&D locations and enjoy scores of easter eggs waiting to be discovered behind interactive doors and flaps! This immersive pop-up book is a unique addition to any D&D collection!

Traverse the Forgotten Realms in an all-new way! Featuring innovative pop-up artistry and original illustrations, Dungeons & Dragons: The Ultimate Pop-Up gives fans a unique experience of the world of D&D.

- ROLL FOR INITIATIVE: Use this pop-up book’s paper craft D20 to guide your adventure! Readers who roll a critical hit will discover auspicious interactive features, while others may meet certain doom.

- ALL-STAR D&D CREATIVE TEAM: Written by Dungeons & Dragons Young Adventurer’s Guide Series authors Jim Zub and Stacy King in conjunction with paper engineering wizard Matthew Reinhart, the book also features dozens of characters and locations rendered by Claudio Pozas.

- D&D LIKE YOU’VE NEVER SEEN IT BEFORE: From locations such as Waterdeep and Neverwinter, to creatures like mind flayers, dragons, mimics, owl bears, and beholders, the expansive world of Dungeons & Dragons is brought to life in a whole new way through this immersive pop-up book. Eagle eyed fans will also spot Drizzt and Guenhwyvar throughout this book’s five action-packed spreads!

- DISCOVER ALL-NEW D&D ART: Featuring original illustrations created especially for this book, Dungeons & Dragons: The Ultimate Pop-Up Book presents a menagerie of stunning fantasy artwork.

- DOZENS OF SURPRISING POP-UPS: Packed with easter eggs from fan-favorite campaigns, and a wealth of hidden surprises to discover, Dungeons & Dragons: The Ultimate Pop-Up Book is bursting with pop-ups, pull tabs, and other interactive features, all culminating in a thrilling encounter with Tiamat.

- AN ESSENTIAL VOLUME FOR YOUR D&D LIBRARY: A highly inventive adventure, Dungeons & Dragons: The Ultimate Pop-Up is unlike any D&D book on your shelf, and a must have for any fan!

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