Alias Akbar del Piombo: Annotations to the Life and Work of Norman Rubington | 拾書所

Alias Akbar del Piombo: Annotations to the Life and Work of Norman Rubington

$ 266 元 原價 266

Akbar del Piombo - illustrious subterranean luminary, mysterious, pseudonymous author of six darkly comic, wildly satirical collage novels, together with half-a-dozen volumes of steamy prose. Akbar del Piombo - preposterous, portentous name, once widely believed to be a nom-de-plume of William S. Burroughs. Akbar del Piombo - the name itself a kind of collage, fittingly inconsonant for a virtuoso of the incongruous. Concealed behind the Akbar del Piombo pen name were the mordant eye and fertile brain of Norman Rubington (1921-1991.) Annotations herein based on a correspondence between Rubington and Gregory Stephenson.

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