Birnam Wood | 拾書所

Birnam Wood

$ 777 元 原價 1,064

  一場山崩封閉了Korowai隘口,並使得紐西蘭這個南島上的小鎮-Thorndike與外隔絕,導致眾多農田荒棄。這在「Birnam Wood」眼中看起來可是個大好機會!「Birnam Wood」是支農耕游擊隊伍,這群人專在荒廢的農田上,用找到(偶爾是偷來)的工具耕種食物。多年以來,他們苦於維持收支平衡,因此只要能夠好好利用Thorndike的荒地耕種,就表示他們能有穩定的收入。
  然而從美國來的神秘富豪Robert Lemoine表示自己也看上了這塊空地,決定入手作為自己的末日碉堡,至少當他在自己的地產上抓到Mira時,他是這樣說的。同時Robert對Mira-「Birnam Wood」的創辦人兼靈魂人物,以及她的團隊感到很有興趣,決定提供他們十萬美金作為資金,希望彼此成為盟友。即便雙方立場南轅北轍,但似乎都有共同的⋯⋯敵人?究竟這個神秘富豪值不值得信任?而當現實因素與理想衝突時,自己的團隊內部,又是否能彼此信任呢?

A Barack Obama Summer Reading Pick

Birnam Wood is terrific. As a multilayered, character-driven thriller, it’s as good as it gets. Ruth Rendell would have loved it. A beautifully textured work--what a treat." --Stephen King

"A generational cri de coeur . . . A sophisticated page-turner . . . Birnam Wood nearly made me laugh with pleasure. The whole thing crackles . . . Greta Gerwig could film this novel, but so could Quentin Tarantino." --Dwight Garner, The New York Times

The Booker Prize-winning author of The Luminaries brings us Birnam Wood, a gripping thriller of high drama and kaleidoscopic insight into what drives us to survive.

Birnam Wood is on the move . . .

A landslide has closed the Korowai Pass on New Zealand’s South Island, cutting off the town of Thorndike and leaving a sizable farm abandoned. The disaster presents an opportunity for Birnam Wood, an undeclared, unregulated, sometimes-criminal, sometimes-philanthropic guerrilla gardening collective that plants crops wherever no one will notice. For years, the group has struggled to break even. To occupy the farm at Thorndike would mean a shot at solvency at last.

But the enigmatic American billionaire Robert Lemoine also has an interest in the place: he has snatched it up to build his end-times bunker, or so he tells Birnam’s founder, Mira, when he catches her on the property. He’s intrigued by Mira, and by Birnam Wood; although they’re poles apart politically, it seems Lemoine and the group might have enemies in common. But can Birnam trust him? And, as their ideals and ideologies are tested, can they trust one another?

A gripping psychological thriller from the Booker Prize-winning author of The Luminaries, Eleanor Catton’s Birnam Wood is Shakespearean in its drama, Austenian in its wit, and, like both influences, fascinated by what makes us who we are. A brilliantly constructed study of intentions, actions, and consequences, it is a mesmerizing, unflinching consideration of the human impulse to ensure our own survival.

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