Wild West: A Time Travel Adventure | 拾書所

Wild West: A Time Travel Adventure

$ 418 元 原價 418

In the outlaw frontier of the Wild West, you’re either quick or you’re dead...

When Riley’s time machine transports her to the Wild West of the 1880s, she finds herself in a saloon surrounded by rowdy roughnecks. When one of the hooligans gets a little too personal making a pass at her, she kicks him in the crotch, setting off a melee.

After the affronted cowboy demands retribution, Riley challenges him to a duel in the town square. With the entire town watching from both sides of the street, Riley dispatches her opponent with two well-aimed shots from her six-shooter.

Eager to calm her surging adrenaline, she decides to avail herself of the services of a local prostitute. When she learns that the widowed lady of the house is being besieged by a band of greedy ranchers, she offers to help save her land.

With her reputation as an able gun-for-hire growing rapidly, the mayor offers to set her up as the town sheriff. Soon after, the town is attacked by a drunken band of outlaws, whereupon the citizens rise up to defend the pretty new sheriff.

Satisfied that the newly emboldened citizens are capable of defending their town, Riley sets off for her next time travel adventure as a special forces soldier in WWII Germany...

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