The Elven Tree of Life Eternal: A Magical Quest for One’s True S’Elf | 拾書所

The Elven Tree of Life Eternal: A Magical Quest for One’s True S’Elf

$ 839 元 原價 839

The Silver Elves are a family of elves who have been living and sharing the Elven Way since 1975. They are the authors of "The Book of Elven Runes: A Passage Into Faerie"; "The Magical Elven Love Letters", volume I, 2, and 3; "An Elfin Book of Spirits: Evoking the Beneficent Powers of Faerie"; "Caressed by an Elfin Breeze: The Poems of Zardoa Silverstar"; "Eldafaryn: True Tales of Magic from the Lives of the Silver Elves"; "Arvyndase (Silverspeech): A Short Course in the Magical Language of the Silver Elves"; "The Elven Book of Dreams: A Magical Oracle of Faerie"; "An Elven Book of Powers: Using the Tarot for Magical Wish Fulfillment"; and "Magic Talks: Being a Correspondence Between the Silver Elves and the Founders of the Elf Queen’s Daughters". The Silver Elves have had various articles published in Circle Network News Magazine and have given out over 4,000 elven names to interested individuals in the Arvyndase language, with each elf name having a unique meaning specifically for that person. If you wish to know more about the Silver Elves, you can read pages 100 to 107 in Circles, Groves and Sanctuaries, compiled by Dan and Pualine Campanelli (Llewellyn Publications, 1992), which contains an article by and photos of the Silver Elves and their home/sanctuary as it existed at the time. They are also mentioned numerous times in Not In Kansas Anymore by Christine Wicker (Harper San Francisco, 2005), and A Field Guide to Otherkin by Lupa (Megalithica Books, 2007). The Elven Way is the spiritual Path of the Elves. It is not a religion. While all elves are free to pursue whatever spiritual path they desire, or not as the case may be, these elves are magicians and follow no particular religious dogma. They do, however, note that they believe in all the Gods and Goddesses, (also Santa Claus [to whom they’re related], the tooth fairy [distant cousins] and the Easter or Ostara Bunny [no relation].) and try to treat them all with due respect. The Elven Way promotes the principles of Fairness, that is to say both Justice, Elegance and Equal Opportunity and Courtesy that is respectful in its interactions and attitude toward all beings, great or small. They understand the world as a magical or miraculous phenomena, and that all beings, by pursuing their own true path, will become whomever they truly desire to be. You are invited to visit their website at: http: //

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