Adobe Up Close: The Beauty of Buildings Made of Mud | 拾書所

Adobe Up Close: The Beauty of Buildings Made of Mud

$ 1,710 元 原價 1,710

An adobe dwelling is a delight because all of its parts come together. The approach-the portal or the patio-has an appeal because the materials feel natural. The door welcomes one and the floor inside, the walls, the ceiling are compatible. The textures and materials make sense as expressions of a building that grew organically. Adobe Up Close invites you to take a good look at all the aspects of adobe buildings. There are so many variations of the components that create the recognizable New Mexican mystique. Adobe Up Close lets you see inside the houses you pass by as you walk the streets of Taos and Santa Fe. Learn how the indigenous roots, going back hundreds of years, have led to contemporary interpretation. Feel how tactile working with mud is. Feel the dirt under your fingernails. Feel how just the right amount of water makes the dirt malleable. You will love the result as generations have.

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