Ancient Bronzes from the J. Pierpont Morgan Collection at the Wadsworth Atheneum | 拾書所

Ancient Bronzes from the J. Pierpont Morgan Collection at the Wadsworth Atheneum

$ 950 元 原價 950

A beautiful presentation of exquisite ancient bronzes from the Wadsworth Atheneum, accompanying a special exhibition at Bowdoin College.

With a discerning eye and discriminating taste, J. Pierpont Morgan spent years acquiring superb works of art. Specifically, Morgan’s Greek and Roman bronze collection captures his shrewdness, including pieces of males and females, gods and mortals, humans and animals, and even furniture embellishments. This gorgeously illustrated work presents highlights of Morgan’s bronze collection, which is currently held in the Wadsworth Atheneum.

Ancient Bronzes and its twin exhibition are the first to consider these pieces as a group. With high-resolution photography allowing readers to appreciate their intricate details, Ancient Bronzes also discusses research on these exceptional objects to help readers better understand how they were made and what they represented in an ancient context.

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