Lee Miller: Photographs | 拾書所

Lee Miller: Photographs

$ 1,454 元 原價 1,710

20世紀最傳奇女性Lee Miller攝影集
收錄超過百幅Lee Miller最知名經典攝影作品
  ★凱特溫斯蕾主演Lee Miller傳記電影即將上映
  身為攝影師、模特兒、戰地記者以及藝術謬思,Lee Miller絕對是20世紀最傳奇的女性之一。
  Lee Miller師從攝影大師Man Ray,在巴黎磨練自己的攝影技術。她與Man Ray一起發現了日曬技術,創造出獨特的光暈效果,又在紐約建立攝影工作室,成為成功的商業攝影師,之後更與《Vogue》合作,遠赴戰場,拍攝出許多經典的攝影作品。
  從時尚領域到戰場觀察,本書收錄了Lee Miller超過100幅最經典的攝影作品,其中包括她自己的肖像照、集中營,以女性視角出發的戰地紀錄。本書由Lee Miller兒子同時也是攝影師Antony Penrose編撰,由即將在傳記電影《Lee》中飾演Lee Miller的凱特溫絲蕾撰寫前言。在電影上映前,翻開《Lee Miller: Photographs》,你可以透過百幅作品窺視Lee Miller的視角與生命,這也是了解這位生命力旺盛的當代奇女子最佳方式。

  Over one hundred of the most outstanding photographs taken by photographer, model, and surrealist muse Lee Miller, published in anticipation of the film Lee starring Kate Winslet as Miller.

  Photojournalist, war correspondent, model, and surrealist muse, Lee Miller was one of the most important women photographers of the twentieth century, working in the fields of photojournalism, fashion, portraiture, and advertising. This book presents over one hundred of Miller’s finest works in a single volume.

  Introduced to photography at an early age, Miller honed her craft in Paris, where she associated with the surrealists and other avant-garde artists, including Jean Cocteau and Pablo Picasso. Together with Man Ray, she discovered the distinctive technique of solarization to create mesmerizing halo effects. After establishing her own photographic studio in New York, where she became a prominent commercial photographer, she then moved to the Middle East and Europe before becoming the official war photographer for Vogue, a period during which she took many of her most iconic photographs.

  This evocative book collects Miller’s most famous documentary, fashion, and war works, as well as photographs of Miller. They are all carefully compiled by her son, photographer Antony Penrose, with a foreword by actress Kate Winslet, who will star as Miller in the film Lee.

  122 illustrations / 3 in color

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