A cross-sectional study of contextual impact on cognitive dysregulation, locus of control, physical and psychological distress among substance-using a | 拾書所

A cross-sectional study of contextual impact on cognitive dysregulation, locus of control, physical and psychological distress among substance-using a

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INTRODUCTION: An adolescent is considered as a sensitive period in an individual’s life span. Adolescence is often characterized as a period of internal chaos and external careless when the adolescents smoke, take drugs, have sex and commit crimes to display their adulthood (Morffit, 1993). In addition, they have to contend with many developmental problems associated with this unique transitional stage when they experience rapid and striking metamorphosis physically, emotionally, cognitively and socially (Schacter, Gilkbert& Wegner, 2009). Further in the present competitive world adolescents are also facing enhanced difficulties or stress due to demanding competition in academics, profession, peer pressures, parental expectations etc. Amidst the academic development of an individual, the adolescent is leaving behind the values of life and the ethical concern of being human. In the developing ages of adolescence feel difficult to pace with the fast changing social structure, the influence of mass media and also the academic stress. Every adolescent develops on his own pace, thus the growing challenges in this technological world cause a lot of distress among them. The personality characteristics of the adolescence and his locus of control an d the cognitive balance should be maintained so that in the future he can adjust better to the demands of the society and the nation. Substance use among adolescents ranges from experimentation to severe substance use disorders. All substance use, even experimental use, puts adolescents at risk of short-term problems, such as accidents, fights, unwanted sexual activity, and overdose. Substance use also interferes with adolescent brain development. Adolescents are vulnerable to the effects of substance use and are at increased risk of developing long-term consequences, such as mental health disorders, underachievement in school, a substance use disorder, and higher rates of addiction, if they regularly use alcohol, marijuana, nicotine, or other drugs during adolescence. In modern Western society, substance use is an easy way for adolescents to satisfy the normal developmental need to take risks and seek thrills. Not surprisingly, substance use is common as adolescents get older, and about 70% of adolescents will try alcohol before high school graduation. However, recurring or ongoing substance use is much less common. Even occasional substance use is risky and should not be trivialized, ignored, or allowed by adults. Parental attitudes and.

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