Enviramagination: Environmental sculptures and photography by Sally J Smith | 拾書所

Enviramagination: Environmental sculptures and photography by Sally J Smith

$ 1,470 元 原價 1,470

"Enviramagination" by Sally J Smith is a visual feast for anyone who loves ephemeral art made only from natural materials and/or the joy and whimsy of eclectic fairy houses expertly crafted with architectural details informed by their natural origins. More than a decade in the making, the book celebrates the artist’s enchanting and sometimes whimsical creations which fall into 3 basic genre: land art sculptures which the artist calls "Eartherials", spiral mandala-like forms and Fairy Houses made in situ or at her studio workbench which are then placed in gorgeous natural settings. More than 170 photographs in this collection span an entire year of seasonal changes in the northern forest region of the Adirondack mountains of New York where the artist makes her home. Text is kept to a minimum to allow for maximum enjoyment of the stunning images. Mesmerizing and intriguing, this book will be enjoyed for years to come by viewers of any age. Savor the experience again and again. This book also comes in a hard-cover collectors edition version.

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