與馬諦斯晚餐1000片拼圖Dinner with Matisse: A 1000-Piece Dinner Date Jigsaw Puzzle | 拾書所

與馬諦斯晚餐1000片拼圖Dinner with Matisse: A 1000-Piece Dinner Date Jigsaw Puzzle

$ 542 元 原價 687

  20世紀初,法國畫家馬諦斯(Henri Matisse)運用大量明亮的顏色、脫離對自然的模仿,開創了野獸派畫風。如果馬諦斯想在家中舉辦晚宴,誰會是他的座上嘉賓呢?
  來到馬諦斯位於法國尼斯的雷吉納酒店工作室,與立體派大師畢卡索(Pablo Picasso)、野獸派先驅安德烈.德蘭(André Derain)、美國知名藝術品收藏家康氏姐妹以及三隻非常特別的貓,一起來場晚餐饗宴吧!
  由英國出版社Thames & Hudson所出版的「與大師晚餐」拼圖系列讓喜愛藝術史與拼圖樂趣的讀者暢遊在歷史上知名藝術家的世界裡,趣味兼具美感,藝術迷和拼圖控不可錯過!

  If you could have dinner with any artist, who would it be?
  Bonjour and welcome to Henri Matisse’s studio at the Hôtel Régina. An intimate dinner party or collage of chaos? Grab your scissors and join Pablo Picasso, André Derain and the Cone sisters, along with three very special brioche-eating cats, for a fauvist feast in this 1000-piece puzzle. Piece together the artists, artworks and surroundings that bring Matisse’s colourful world to life.
  Did you know that it was Matisse’s work that inspired the fauvism movement? In the early 1900s, Matisse developed a new style of painting. He used bright masses of paint and chose the colours based on his emotions, rather than reality. One critic coined the term after calling the works ‘fauves’, meaning ‘wild beasts’.
  The Dinner Date Jigsaw Puzzle series is an opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of history’s most famous artists.
  Completed puzzle measures 48.5 x 68 cm.

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