Wild Symphony | 拾書所

Wild Symphony

$ 250 元 原價 342

親自譜寫交響樂,結合 AR 擴增實境

免費下載專屬APP,結合AR 擴增實境技術,邊聽邊讀享受前所未有的閱讀體驗



  在這本優美的書裡,老鼠指揮大師透過20則琅琅上口的押韻文字,邀請讀者與動物們交流。從序曲Woodbird Welcome到閉幕曲Cricket Lullaby,丹布朗運用三到八句押韻文字所構成的詩歌來介紹動物,每首詩都有四個強烈的節拍,最後再集合這些動物,來一場動人的大合奏。更特別的是,丹布朗親自為書中動物量身打造譜寫音樂旋律,《彼得與狼》和《動物狂歡節》皆是他的創作靈感來源,優美樂曲再搭配匈牙利畫家蘇珊.巴托里(Susan Batori)的生動插圖,讀起來別有趣味。

  此外,每一頁的文字還附有一個激勵人心的小小訊息,如「When life trips them up a bit, Cats just make the best of it.」(當生活遇到阻礙,貓總是會盡力而為),還有一隻嗡嗡嗡四處飛翔的小蜜蜂,它留下了許多線索,還有一個大謎題留給你最後解答。

  在《Wild Symphony》書裡,你可以透過手機或平板App聆聽到薩格勒布愛樂管絃樂團,為本書伴奏的優美音樂,結合AR 擴增實境技術,享受前所未有的驚喜閱讀體驗。

#1 New York Times bestselling author Dan Brown makes his picture book debut with this mindful, humorous, musical, and uniquely entertaining book!

The author will be donating all US royalties due to him to support music education for children worldwide, through the New Hampshire Charitable foundation.

Travel through the trees and across the seas with Maestro Mouse and his musical friends! Young readers will meet a big blue whale and speedy cheetahs, tiny beetles and graceful swans. Each has a special secret to share.

Along the way, you might spot the surprises Maestro Mouse has left for you- a hiding buzzy bee, jumbled letters that spell out clues, and even a coded message to solve!

Children and adults can enjoy this timeless picture book as a traditional read-along, or can choose to listen to original musical compositions as they read--one for each animal--with a free interactive smartphone app, which uses augmented reality to play the appropriate song for each page when a phone’s camera is held over it.

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