幼兒情緒引導硬頁書(挑食主題)Grumpy Monkey Yuck! | 拾書所

幼兒情緒引導硬頁書(挑食主題)Grumpy Monkey Yuck!

$ 249 元 原價 342

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  ★如何面對挑食孩子?Grumpy Monkey硬頁書有解

  挑食的暴躁猴子(Grumpy Monkey)Jim Panzee最喜歡吃香蕉了。有一天,大猩猩鄰居Norman跟Jim說森林裡的香蕉沒了,問他要不要試試鮮脆的甜椒。Jim看到不熟悉的甜椒,立刻大叫:「好噁心!」並用各種誇張的方式,嚴正表達自己絕對不吃這個食物。

  暴躁猴子Jim Panzee的故事會讓挑食的小朋友感同身受,苦惱的爸媽也可以藉機和小朋友聊聊、從書中獲得靈感與鼓勵。

This original story tackles a common toddler issue as the bestselling character Grumpy Monkey finds out that it’s okay to try something new.

Jim Panzee gives the same answer whenever he is offered something unfamiliar to eat--YUCK! He gives that same answer when he’s encouraged to "just try it." But when picky eater Jim is offered a snack that promises to be sweet and tasty, he just might give in--and discover that he likes it! Here’s a story for all those toddlers whose all-purpose response to any new food is "Yuck."

Suzanne and Max Lang, experts in all things Grumpy Monkey, present a funny book that just might help win over the pickiest of picky eaters.

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