Personal Best: Makers on Their Poems That Matter Most | 拾書所

Personal Best: Makers on Their Poems That Matter Most

  • 出版日期: 2023-10-24
  • ISBN碼: 9781556596520
  • 編號: F019780120
$ 836 元 原價 836

Home to fifty-eight author-selected poems and accompanying essays, Personal Best: Makers on Their Poems That Matter Most is a far-reaching, essential touchstone for the art of poetry in the United States today.

Personal Best: Makers on Their Poems That Matter Most is home to fifty-eight author-selected poems and accompanying essays that explain how and why each poet chose a poem as their "personal best." The anthology offers a provocative and surprising range of responses in which readers will find poetic context for the life of a poem and revelatory insight into the unique, personal experiences that shape the writing process itself. Including works from a wide variety of voices both new and well-established, Personal Best is a far-reaching, essential touchstone for the art of poetry in the United States today. The anthology gives readers--both long-time fans of poetry and those just discovering its possibilities--an intimate view of the heart and spirit that make poetry one of our most quintessentially human forms of expression.

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