1964: Eyes of the Storm | 拾書所

1964: Eyes of the Storm

$ 1,999 元 原價 2,850

  「突然冒出了幾百萬雙眼睛在我們面前,那個場景我一生難以忘懷。」-Paul McCartney
  由披頭四成員Paul McCartney親自掌鏡,收錄大量披頭四從未曝光的照片。以Paul McCartney隨身攜帶的35mm相機,捕捉披頭四黃金時代巡迴演出的照片,時間橫跨1963-1964年代,當披頭四成為全球巨星,並改寫現代音樂史的輝煌歲月紀錄。攝影集共有275張照片,足跡涵蓋了他們曾到訪的六大城市:利物浦、倫敦、巴黎、紐約、華盛頓以及邁阿密。Paul McCartney親自為本書撰序,述說那段當年在英國音樂廳的混亂場景,以及首訪美國時,受到狂熱粉絲們歡迎的回憶。同時附上紐約時報專欄作者撰寫的散文,描述關於披頭四如何成為第一個全球大眾文化的標竿。

Taken with a 35mm camera by Paul McCartney, these largely unseen photographs capture the explosive period, from the end of 1963 through early 1964, in which The Beatles became an international sensation and changed the course of music history. Featuring 275 images from the six cities--Liverpool, London, Paris, New York, Washington, D.C., and Miami--of these legendary months, 1964: Eyes of the Storm also includes:

- A personal foreword in which McCartney recalls the pandemonium of British concert halls, followed by the hysteria that greeted the band on its first American visit

- Candid recollections preceding each city portfolio that form an autobiographical account of the period McCartney remembers as the "Eyes of the Storm," plus a coda with subsequent events in 1964

- "Beatleland," an essay by Harvard historian and New Yorker essayist Jill Lepore, describing how The Beatles became the first truly global mass culture phenomenon

Handsomely designed, 1964: Eyes of the Storm creates an intensely dramatic record of The Beatles’ first transatlantic trip, documenting the radical shift in youth culture that crystallized in 1964.

"You could hold your camera up to the world, in 1964. But what madness would you capture, what beauty, what joy, what fury?" --Jill Lepore

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