Extra Large Print Wordsearch: Easy-To-Read Puzzles | 拾書所

Extra Large Print Wordsearch: Easy-To-Read Puzzles

$ 380 元 原價 380

This beautiful collection contains wordsearch puzzles in extra large-print, 26 point type, so that they are easy for everyone to read, and extra enjoyable to solve. And it’s not just the font size that’s easy on the eye - this collection is presented with an elegant floral cover design, making it a perfect gift for any puzzle lover who would benefit from larger letters.

- EXTRA LARGE-PRINT: Read these puzzles easily with their large-print lettering.
- EXPAND YOUR KNOWLEDGE: This collection includes a variety of intriguing themes so you can pick up useful knowledge as you go along.
- REMOVES STRESS: Let your stress melt away by working through these satisfying puzzles.

ABOUT THE SERIES: The Elegant Extra Large Print Puzzles series brings together a selection of puzzle books with extra large-print type for easy reading, presented with delightful floral cover designs.

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