Seraph of the End, Vol. 27: Vampire Reign | 拾書所

Seraph of the End, Vol. 27: Vampire Reign

$ 380 元 原價 380

"After trumpets of the apocalypse proclaim the fall of humanity, vampires arise from the shadows to rule the earth. Yuichiro wants just one thing--to get revenge by killing each and every vampire. On the way to Guren’s safehouse to finally get the details on his true plan, Yuichiro drops a bombshell of a question on him: "Did you kill my family?" Guren hesitates to answer, and Yuichiro, wanting a clear response no matter what, challenges him to a fight. As the two battle, Guren comes to realize Yuichiro’s growth, while Yuichiro is reminded of Guren’s strength."--Back cover.

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