Ferris Wheel | 拾書所

Ferris Wheel

$ 475 元 原價 720

       這本深刻動人的繪本,由土耳其知名童書作者Tu¨lin Kozikoglu執筆,保加利亞插畫家Hüseyin Sönmezay 共同創作。編排高明、情節緊湊,全書以左右對照的畫面呈現,對比兩個孩子截然不同的人生際遇,鋪陳出強烈的故事張力。

A powerful and heartwarming story for children about empathy, hope, and longing.

This is the story of two parallel journeys in cities far apart. A mother and a son leave their home for a better day, while a father and a daughter leave their home for a safer day. The concerns of the parents are almost the same as they watch over their kids, but their experiences are sadly very different. The father and daughter are fleeing a city devastated by war, leaving their home--and beloved goldfish--behind. All through their journey the goldfish follows them as a symbol of longing and hope. The two families’ paths finally cross on a Ferris wheel and, as they go round and round, trading places with each other, we understand that we are all connected.

With beautiful illustrations full of symbolism, this simple and powerful story of displacement encourages us all to welcome newcomers with compassion and curiosity.

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