The Harry Potter Wizarding Almanac: The Official Magical Companion to J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter Books | 拾書所

The Harry Potter Wizarding Almanac: The Official Magical Companion to J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter Books

$ 799 元 原價 1,520

  全書共分為七個章節,從一切的起點「那個活下來的男孩」開始,走進哈利和他的精采冒險。第二章則介紹巫師們的日常,從誘人的「神奇美食和它們的產地」,到隨處可見的貓頭鷹信差、預言家日報、奶油啤酒、魁地奇,一起體驗魔法界的食衣住行育樂。第三章前往最經典的魔法場景,造訪斜角巷、洞穴屋和活米村,並前往9 3/4月台,火車即將出發!下一站,抵達霍格華茲後,來場深度探索,參加學院分類儀式,參觀學院交誼廳,準備開學囉!在這裡不只能體驗充實的魔法課程,也解鎖護法咒、不赦咒等進階魔法,探索深奧的魔法知識。接著前往魔法世界最核心的機構——魔法部、聖蒙果醫院、古靈閣銀行,還有惡名昭彰的阿茲卡班監獄。最後,讓我們進入神奇的奇獸與植物世界,從可愛的巫師家庭寵物,到禁忌森林中的危險生物,增進奇獸飼育和藥草學知識,了解魔法世界充滿魅力的另一面。 
  本書特別邀請了七位來自全世界的優秀插畫家共襄盛舉,包括曾為英國版20週年紀念版繪製書封的李維.平弗德(Levi Pinfold)、曾為《霍格華茲圖書館》繪製內頁插圖的克羅埃西亞繪者Tomislav Tomic、比利時插畫家彼得高斯(Peter Goes)、英國插畫家Louise Lockhart、加拿大華裔插畫家麥瑋桐(Weitong Mai)、烏克蘭插畫家Olia Muza,以及越南插畫家Pham Quang Phuc。每位插畫家各自發揮創意,細膩繪製每個細節,一同為魔法世界注入新的活力。精緻的全彩插圖,搭配大開本設計,適合細細探索每個視覺細節,不管是哈利波特深度鐵粉,或是剛踏入魔法世界的霍格華茲新生,都可以從滿滿細節中獲得樂趣和新發現。 

The only official companion to the seven spellbinding novels about the Boy Who Lived, fully illustrated and superbly sorted - the perfect gift for Harry Potter fans of all ages!


Whisk yourself away to Harry Potter’s wizarding world with this Whiz-bang of an illustrated companion. Discover magical places, study wandlore, encounter fantastic beasts, and find out about the witches and wizards who lived. From the Sorting Hat to the secrets of the Forbidden Forest, it’s all packed inside!



This dazzling gift book brings together beloved characters, unforgettable moments, and iconic locations from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone all the way through to The Deathly Hallows. It’s the ultimate magical miscellany, filled with facts and fun about the wizarding world, beautifully catalogued and brilliantly explored. Joyfully illustrated throughout in full color by seven stunning artists and tingling with astonishing details to spot on every page, this is the ideal introduction to the Harry Potter stories for new readers and sure to surprise and fascinate lifelong fans. From incredible cross-sections to magical maps and ingenious lists, lose yourself exploring Hogwarts and beyond...


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