The Story Orchestra: The Planets | 拾書所

The Story Orchestra: The Planets

$ 499 元 原價 950

  ★2023年美國雜誌《Good Housekeeping》最佳童書獎
  ★暢銷音樂按鍵書系《The Story Orchestra》最新創作登場

  故事開始於一個夜晚, Helen與Tim這對兄妹躺在火箭造型雙人床上準備睡覺,但神奇的事發生了,他們飛離地球,飛進閃閃發亮的太空中。
  《The Story Orchestra: The Planets》重新演繹英國作曲家霍斯特的行星組曲,按下按鈕,可以聽到書中擷取的十段行星組曲最知名的樂曲,書中還包含作曲家霍斯特生平介紹、創作行星組曲的經過等小知識。
  《The Story Orchestra》相關系列作品還包括:韋瓦第《四季》、柴可夫斯基《胡桃鉗》與《天鵝湖》、聖桑《動物狂歡節》、莫札特《魔笛》、葛利格《山魔王的宮殿》。


Discover the spellbinding magic of The Planets in this musical reimagining of one of Holst’s most famous suites.Push the button on each beautiful scene to hear the vivid sound of an orchestra playing from Holst’s score.

This tale is about a brother and sister who adventure deep into our solar system. Our story begins one night as Helen and Tim get ready for bed in their new space rocket bunk beds... but sleep will have to wait as they magically blast up, up, up into the glittering night sky, leaving planet Earth far below them.

Helen and Tim journey here, there and everywhere through our majestic solar system. They soar past the cold rocky surface of Mars as it rises into towering peaks and plunges into deep canyons and glide through a bumpy asteroid belt made of icy rocks. They blast deeper into our solar system, exploring the dazzling stars and astounding planets along the way.

But now it really is time to head home! As the rocket speeds towards Earth, Tim and Helen watch the sun rise over their planet.

As you and your little one journey through the magical scenes, you will press the buttons to hear 10 excerpts from the score. Readers should press firmly on the pages to activate the sounds, encouraging interactive learning and introducing children to this beautiful piece of music.

At the back of the book, find a short biography of the composer, Gustav Holst, with details about his composition of The Planets. Next to this, you can replay the musical excerpts and, for each of them, read a discussion of the instruments, rhythms and musical techniques that make them so powerful. A glossary defines musical terms.

The Story Orchestra series brings classical music to life for children through gorgeously illustrated retellings of classic ballet, opera and program music stories paired with 10-second sound clips of orchestras playing from their musical scores.

Also available from the Story Orchestra series: Four Seasons in One Day, The Nutcracker, The Sleeping Beauty, Swan Lake, Carnival of the Animals, The Magic Flute, In the Hall of the Mountain King and I Can Play (vol 1).

Manufacturer’s note: please pull the white tab out of the back of the book before use. Sound buttons require a firm push in exact location to work, which may be hard for young children. All sound clips are 10 seconds long.

The perfect primer to introduce children to classical music.

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