Barron’s Digital SAT Premium Study Guide, 2024 is the only prep you need to be prepared for exam day. Our expert SAT author and tutor provides comprehensive subject review, 1800 + practice questions, and a robust strategy guide to the new College Board Digital Adaptive Tests.
All the Review You Need from an SAT Expert- An expert overview of the new Digital SAT- how the exam is changing and what to expect from the digital interface on test day
- Guidance on test-scoring methods and college entrance requirements
- In-depth subject review covering revised sections of the test: Reading and Writing
- and Mathematics
- Hundreds of additional practice questions in each subject review section
- Tips and strategies throughout from Barron’s SAT expert author--it’s like having a tutor by your side
- 4 full-length practice tests in the book, including 1 diagnostic test to assess your skills and target your studying, and a print adaptive test designed like the Digital SAT
- Hundreds of practice drills with all the new Digital SAT question types:
- Words-in-Context
- Text Structure and Purpose
- Cross-Text Connections
- Central Ideas and Details
- Command of Evidence: Textual
- Command of Evidence: Quantitative
- Inferences
- Boundaries
- Form, Structure, and Sense
- Transitions
- Rhetorical Synthesis
- Algebra
- Problem Solving and Data Analysis
- Advanced Math
- Geometry and Trigonometry
- In-depth strategies to tackle each question type
- Detailed answer explanations for all practice tests and questions
- 300 online practice drills categorized by question type for targeted review
- Scoring to check your learning progress
- Digital calendar to track your study plans
- Strategy Guide to the Digital SAT!
- Targeted strategies for tackling the toughest questions on the College Board adaptive tests
- Test preparation calendars to help organize your study plan
- Tips on using the new online tools in the Digital SAT interface, such as the Desmos Calculator, Answer Elimination Tool, and Annotation Feature
- How to make the most of your Adaptive Digital SAT Bluebook results
- Time management options and dealing with test anxiety
- Advice for students with testing accommodations
- Guide for parents on how best to help your child succeed on the Digital SAT