Mu Guiying Takes Command | 拾書所

Mu Guiying Takes Command

  • 出版日期: 2023-09-10
  • ISBN碼: 9781487811150
  • 編號: F019876360
$ 758 元 原價 758

If you are looking for a cultural story of ancient China, then this fun and fascinating Peking Opera picture book can be a great start. The book uses adorable chibi-style characters that will stimulate your artistic imagination: allow yourself to be taken in by the characters’ colorful makeup, costume, and dialogue, and to be immersed in this classical living art. This is definitely the best Peking Opera introductory book for kids!

First-class Peking Opera actress Wang Peiyu has worked as a consultant on this project and presents these brilliant Chinese folktales. This rhyming interactive picture book introduces the classic Peking Opera play - Mu Guiying Takes Command. Mu Guiying was a famous female warrior in ancient China and the granddaughter-in-law of the prominent military family of Yang in Northern Song Dynasty (AD 960- 1127). The play tells the story of the heroine, who, despite living a peaceful life away from court with her children for more than a decade, uses her determination and tactical military experience to fulfill her duty on the battlefield under the Emperor’s command.

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