互動機關硬頁書Peekaboo Santa | 拾書所

互動機關硬頁書Peekaboo Santa

$ 199 元 原價 439

  以聖誕節為主題的這本《Peekaboo Santa》,內容有聖誕老公公、麋鹿、聖誕樹、聖誕鈴鐺、可愛的小禮物,當然還有聖誕節必備的聖誕襪!最後一頁,神秘的小鏡子陪孩子玩躲貓貓遊戲,鏡子上映照孩子臉龐,讓孩子看出興趣,一玩再玩,玩中學英文!

  《Peekaboo Santa》由暢銷全球的不織布翻翻書系《Where’s Mr.》團隊攜手合作,創作大受好評的硬頁互動書系,十頁篇幅裡有十個互動式機關,結合躲貓貓遊戲的滑動裝置、有趣的押韻文字,以及藏有大驚喜的彩蛋結尾,吸引小手忙碌地推、拉、轉,玩得不亦樂乎。
  A sparkling new Christmas title in the hit novelty series with multiple sliders!

  Easy-to-use peekaboo sliders, a funny rhyming text and surprise mirror ending combine in this stylish and interactive board book for babies and toddlers!

  With a total of 10 smooth mechanisms to push, pull or turn on every spread this beautiful book is packed full of fun!

  From Camilla Reid and Ingela P Arrhenius, the award-winning team behind the bestselling Felt Flaps Where's Mr? series.

  Connecting with faces and playing peekaboo is one of the first games that babies play. It's why the very youngest of children will love this cute Christmas-themed book - and want to read it again and again.

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