天野喜孝畫集《最終幻想》盒裝豪華套組The Sky: The Art of Final Fantasy Boxed Set (Second Edition) | 拾書所

天野喜孝畫集《最終幻想》盒裝豪華套組The Sky: The Art of Final Fantasy Boxed Set (Second Edition)

$ 5,299 元 原價 7,600

  國際級日本藝術家天野喜孝,藝術觸角橫跨插畫、繪本、電玩、動畫等領域,1987年天野為知名系列遊戲《最終幻想》(Final Fantasy,台灣舊譯:太空戰士)擔任角色繪師,他不羈又浪漫的畫風圈粉無數,掀起一股不墜炫風。
  現在,粉絲們有福了,《The Sky: The Art of Final Fantasy Boxed Set》為粉絲打造了一個夢幻園地!這套奢華的盒裝組,裡面共有三本精裝畫集,收錄了天野為《最終幻想》前十款遊戲創作的英雄、怪物以及遊戲世界景觀插圖。此外,書盒中還有一本《關於天野喜孝道一切》(All About Yoshitaka Amano),內容包括天野喜孝的訪談、參考書目、縮圖指南,以及天野喜孝在紐約與東京工作室的照片寫真,當然也會帶領粉絲們認識天野身為藝術家的靈感來源!
  書中還附有一本迷你尺寸翻頁書《The Sky Premium Flipbook》,收錄天野老師製作的兩部《最終幻想》動畫。附贈粉絲的還有兩張超大尺寸明信片以及透明樹脂印製的紀念印刷品。布面包裝盒、可掀式盒蓋,精緻的禮盒組超值得粉絲收藏,對喜愛《最終幻想》的你來說,這是絕對不可錯過的藝術寶庫。

  This lavish boxed set holds three separate hardcover books (The Sky 1, 2, and 3) containing Yoshitaka Amano’s visionary illustrations of the heroes, monsters, and worldscapes of the first ten games in the groundbreaking Final Fantasy series.

  But that’s far from all—also included in the boxed set is the bonus softcover book All About Yoshitaka Amano, containing an interview, a bibliography, thumbnail guides to The Sky, and dozens of photographs of Amano, his New York and Tokyo studios, and what inspires him as an artist!

  A further bonus is a mini The Sky Premium Flipbook, containing two different Final Fantasy animations made by Amano. Completing the boxed set are two souvenir items—a silver ink Final Fantasy print on clear acetate, and two oversize Final Fantasy postcards. The box itself is clothbound with a hinged lid and silver ribbon inside to lift out the interior contents.

  The Sky is truly a treasure chest for all fans of Final Fantasy and the artist who created its unforgettable imagery, Yoshitaka Amano!

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