The Spy Coast: A Thriller | 拾書所

The Spy Coast: A Thriller

$ 1,102 元 原價 1,102

  Maggie Bird六十歲了,從中情局以間諜身份退休之後,她便來到了一個偏僻的臨海小村落定居,在此養雞準備過著平凡平靜的日子度過餘生,希望自己的過往能從此被全數埋藏。但某一天,有一位女性找上門,希望Maggie能夠替她找一位失蹤的特工,卻沒想到不久之後,這位女性的屍體竟被發現在Maggie的車道上。這是一個來自過往仇家的訊息⋯⋯

"Former spy Maggie Bird came to the seaside village of Purity, Maine, eager to put the past behind her after a mission went tragically wrong. These days, she’s living quietly on her chicken farm, still wary of blowback from the events that forced her early retirement. But when a body turns up in Maggie’s driveway, she knows it’s a message from former foes who haven’t forgotten her. Maggie turns to her local circle of old friends--all retirees from the CIA--to help uncover the truth about who is trying to kill her, and why"--

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