Five Steps to Finding a Financial Advisor You Can Trust: What Questions to Ask, When to Ask Them, Why They’re So Critical for a Worry-Free Retirement | 拾書所

Five Steps to Finding a Financial Advisor You Can Trust: What Questions to Ask, When to Ask Them, Why They’re So Critical for a Worry-Free Retirement

$ 1,064 元 原價 1,064

You’ve worked hard and planned carefully so that one day you can retire comfortably.
That time has finally arrived. So why doesn’t it feel as carefree as you imagined? After building your retirement account, it’s time to take money out and use it for everyday expenses -- and that requires an entirely new approach to financial planning. You have lots of questions.

This book is a step-by-step guide to the answers you need to let go of your concerns. The key is to enlist the help of a financial professional with the experience to understand your needs now that you’ve retired.

Learn which questions to ask and what answers to expect from an advisor with the specialized knowledge to help you enjoy the worry-free retirement you deserve, so can make your golden years the most meaningful and rewarding years of your life.

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