Dall’oscurità Alla Luce / Von Der Dunkelheit Zum Licht / de l’Obscurité À La Lumière / From Darkness to the Light: L’Arrivo Di Luzena a Bordighera / D | 拾書所

Dall’oscurità Alla Luce / Von Der Dunkelheit Zum Licht / de l’Obscurité À La Lumière / From Darkness to the Light: L’Arrivo Di Luzena a Bordighera / D

$ 7,800 元 原價 7,800

The catalog of the exhibition hosted in Bordighera (Imperia) from 10 April to 1 June 2023 brings together a selection of paintings by Luzena (Barbara Walder) dedicated to the theme of light. "An informally ’postmodern’ art", as Giampaolo Trotta writes in his preface, "which ’mingles’ with ’modernity’ and ’modernism’, and which ideally reminds us of certain architectural works by the American Robert Venturi, which are ’saturated’ with history, a source of inspiration for contemporary design, and which for the architect must always be imbued with complexity and contradiction as an existential condition of contemporary culture."

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