How Does Santa Go Down the Chimney? | 拾書所

How Does Santa Go Down the Chimney?

$ 299 元 原價 714

雍.卡拉森 x 麥克.巴奈特
  麥克.巴奈特和雍.卡拉森可說是近年來最炙手可熱的繪本界巨星搭檔,代表作包括《這不是我的帽子》(This Is Not My Hat)、《一直一直往下挖》(Sam & Dave Dig a Hole)、《野狼的肚子我的家》(The Wolf, the Duck & the Mouse)等,幽默而強烈的風格,不只贏得世界各地孩子的熱烈喜愛,更讓許多大人為之著迷。兩人的創作獲獎無數,被翻譯成多國語言,雍.卡拉森更是自凱迪克獎創獎以來,1947年之後,唯一同時拿下金、銀牌雙料殊榮的作家。

  The multi-award-winning duo of Mac Barnett and Jon Klassen tackle a perennial question: how does Santa go down the chimney?

  When Santa arrives at a child’s house on Christmas Eve, does he go down the chimney feetfirst or headfirst? What if he gets stuck? What if there’s no chimney? Maybe he slides under the door, as thin as a piece of paper? Or is it possible he pours himself through the tap? What happens once he’s inside?

  Mac Barnett’s iconic talent for earnest deadpan humour and Jon Klassen’s irresistibly funny art honour this timeless question with answers both ridiculous and plausible, mounting in hilarity as the night continues. Channeling a child’s fanciful explanations, this latest collaboration by a bestselling team will find a secure spot among family Christmas traditions.

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