Killer App | 拾書所

Killer App

$ 1,099 元 原價 1,099

Agent Mac McDonnel is part of the Rogue Autonomous division in New Trinity. He has been tasked with stopping androids who have become a danger to humans. The androids, who outnumber the humans ten to one, usually operate well and perform their various tasks. If one were to become a danger to the public, Mac and his android partner Six are sent to eliminate the problem. A new virus has started turning harmless androids around the city into killers. Mac has found himself on a collision course with it’s creator. In his quest to stop the virus from spreading throughout every android in the city, Mac has to face some uncomfortable truths from his past. Can he figure out who the true culprit is in time to save the city, or will his past catch up with him before he can pull it off?

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