《薩爾達傳說:王國之淚》官方電玩攻略(收藏版) The Legend of Zelda(tm) Tears of the Kingdom - The Complete Official Guide: Collector’s Edition | 拾書所

《薩爾達傳說:王國之淚》官方電玩攻略(收藏版) The Legend of Zelda(tm) Tears of the Kingdom - The Complete Official Guide: Collector’s Edition

$ 1,299 元 原價 1,710


"The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom offers a vast world full of varied quests, challenging puzzles, ferocious monsters, and unique sights to behold. Working closely with Nintendo(R), we have created the authoritative, all-encompassing guide that this game so richly deserves. We have explored all features and facets of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom with a single mission: to help you discover and enjoy every moment of this game."--

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