The Iona Abbey Jigsaw Puzzle | 拾書所

The Iona Abbey Jigsaw Puzzle

$ 1,138 元 原價 1,138

Iona is one of the most beautiful of all the Scottish Hebrides, and full of historical associations. It was here that St Columba came by boat in 563 from Ireland, bringing Christianity to Scotland and establishing a monastery that became one of the beacons of culture during the Dark Ages.

This view is taken from a vintage poster produced by London, Midland & Scottish Railway (LMS) to promote train and sea services to Iona in Scotland. The artwork is by Tom Gilfillan, who studied at Glasgow School of Art and was well known for his paintings of the Highlands of Scotland during the 1930s, ’40s and ’50s.

1000 piece jigsaw.

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