Pasta without Tomatoes or Cream: Delicious and Creative Recipes for Pasta Lovers | 拾書所

Pasta without Tomatoes or Cream: Delicious and Creative Recipes for Pasta Lovers

$ 1,330 元 原價 1,330

Welcome to "Pasta without Tomatoes or Cream: Delicious and Creative Recipes for Pasta Lovers".

This recipe book is for those who love pasta but want to explore new and exciting flavors beyond the traditional tomato-based sauces and creamy Alfredo sauces. Here, you will find a wide range of pasta recipes that feature flavorful sauces made with ingredients like garlic, herbs, olive oil, white wine, and more.

Whether you’re a vegetarian, seafood lover, or a meat and poultry enthusiast, there is a recipe in this book for you. You will also find pasta salads and dessert pasta recipes to add a little variety to your meal plan.

Before diving into the recipes, I’ve included some tips on cooking perfect pasta, understanding different types of pasta shapes and sizes, and common pasta cooking terms and techniques. These tips will help you create perfect pasta dishes every time.

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