The Big Cheese | 拾書所

The Big Cheese

$ 225 元 原價 342

《可以說晚安了嗎?》暢銷作者喬里.約翰(Jory John x 憤怒鳥動畫設計師 Pete Oswald 聯手打造
  「不管在哪裡,我都是大家的目光焦點!」起司老大不管做什麼,樣樣都是第一名,他對此感到很得意,常常炫耀自己多厲害。一年一度的起司大賽即將到來,起司老大已經蟬聯六屆冠軍,但今年來了個新的參賽者-Wedge Wedgeman。Wedge Wedgeman個性害羞又低調,但當起司大賽登場,大家卻發現一點也不能小看Wedge Wedgeman。賽跑、西洋棋、帽子創作、牧羊……隨著比賽一項項進行,起司老大錯愕地發現自己居然有個勁敵。今年的總冠軍到底會獎落誰家?起司老大又會從比賽中獲得什麼發現? 
* 系列作品包含:
1.《壞種子》 The Bad Seed: 
2.《優良蛋》The Good Egg:
3.《酷豆子》The Cool Bean:
4.《沙發薯》The Couch Potato
5.《聰明餅》The Smart Cookie
6.《酸葡萄》The Sour Grape

  Don’t miss the seventh picture book in the #1 New York Times bestselling Food Group series from Jory John and Pete Oswald!

  The Big Cheese is the best at everything, and brags about it, too. When the annual Cheese-cathlon comes around, the Big Cheese is prepared to win, as always. But what happens when the quiet new kid, Wedge Wedgeman, comes out on top? Is a slice of humility all the Big Cheese needs to discover that some things are better than being the best?

  Jory John and Pete Oswald serve up another heaping plate of laughs and lessons with this empowering, witty, and charming addition to their #1 New York Times bestselling series!

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