The Seller of Secrets: A Memoir | 拾書所

The Seller of Secrets: A Memoir

$ 682 元 原價 682

Mother was an emotionally damaged woman shrouded in dark secrets. Father was a man plagued by alcoholism who lived in a state of drunken evasion before jumping ship. Kathleen was born into this family and a community plagued by toxic male aggression, submissive women, wannabe Mafia brutes, charlatan holy men and women, and lurid and criminal goings-on--made possible by cheek-turners, complicit and fearful enablers, and an ever-present, overarching code of silence.

The words etched into Kathleen’s childhood bones never let her completely forget: "We are finally alone," from tThe tTeenager, and "You don’t want to hurt a man’s reputation, especially a holy man’s," from Mother. An explosion of truth tells of cover-ups, drugs, and attempted suicide; the resilience found in books, art, and as a guitarist and singer in a metal band; the tragedy of September 11; and becoming a mother. Kathleen discovers Reiki and leaves NYC for Vermont, finding shamanism and Brennan Healing Science. But just as she is finding healing, her mother makes the staggering near-death confession that she participated in Kathleen’s abuse.

A true heroine’s journey, The Seller of Secrets is Kathleen’s story of how she made peace with the past and found wisdom in her wounds.

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