Round the Corner | 拾書所

Round the Corner

$ 608 元 原價 608

New boarders arrive and old sisters depart. Evelyn is not so sure she likes the new dynamics of Peerbaugh Place, her Victorian boarding house. Even though it had been hard adapting to strangers living in her home, she and the other women (from "The Sister Circle") had found a calm cove of sisterhood. Now Evelyn is forced to start over with a new set of boarders with more challenging personalities and problems. Evelyn fears that the bonds of sisterhood may not come as easily this time.

"Round the Corner", Book Two of this charming contemporary series, continues the timeless, heartwarming story of Peerbaugh Place, the quaint Victorian house that becomes a refuge to women of vastly different ages, personalities, and backgrounds. Through struggles and triumphs, the women forge a special bond of sisterhood and come together through faith and love.

Books in the Sister Circle series:

Book #1: The Sister Circle

Book #2: Round the Corner

Book #3: An Undivided Heart

Book #4: A Place to Belong

Book #5 Senior Sisters (coming in Fall 2023)

Non-fiction study guide: The Sister Circle Handbook

Offshoot book: Eyes of Our Heart

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