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The Mystery Guest

$ 449 元 原價 646

  茉莉不同於一般人,她才29歲,就已經憑藉自身優越的打掃天賦,以及進退得宜的禮節,從一個無人在意的房務員,升遷為五星級高級大飯店-麗晶大飯店的房務主管。就在她的人生和職業生涯都來到前所未有的巔峰時,世界著名的懸疑小說家J. D. Grimthorpe在飯店茶室大廳中一場演說上,竟突如其來地倒在地毯上,這樁淒慘的意外死亡,令茉莉的人生又有了天翻地覆的變化。
  曾經指控過茉莉為殺人嫌疑犯的警官史塔克再次接手本案件,因為茉莉堅守自己房務員對飯店中的任何事情,都必須保持緘默的原則,加上她曾在作家死前靠近作家飲用的茶水,於是史塔克這回又將錨頭瞄準到茉莉的身上。然而本次案件的嫌疑犯多不勝數,會不會是新來還在受訓的房務員Lily、作家身邊的秘書Serena?抑或是看來老實可靠,受眾人喜愛的門房-Mr. Preston?或許,茉莉其實沒有外表上看起來的天真無害呢?

  A new mess. A new mystery. It’s up to Molly the maid to uncover the truth, no matter how dirty, in this standalone novel from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Maid, a Good Morning America Book Club pick.
  “Polished to perfection!”—Shari Lapena, author of Everyone Here Is Lying
  “A page-turning delight from start to finish . . . Once I checked into the Regency Grand, I never wanted to leave.”—Jenny Jackson, author of Pineapple Street
  Molly Gray is not like anyone else. With her flair for cleaning and proper etiquette, she has risen through the ranks of the glorious five-star Regency Grand Hotel to become the esteemed Head Maid. But just as her life reaches a pinnacle state of perfection, her world is turned upside down when J. D. Grimthorpe, the world-renowned mystery author, drops dead—very dead—on the hotel’s tearoom floor.
  When Detective Stark, Molly’s old foe, investigates the author’s unexpected demise, it becomes clear that this death was murder most foul. Suspects abound, and everyone wants to know: Who killed J. D. Grimthorpe? Was it Lily, the new Maid-in-Training? Or was it Serena, the author’s secretary? Could Mr. Preston, the hotel’s beloved doorman, be hiding something? And is Molly really as innocent as she seems?
  As the high-profile death threatens the hotel’s pristine reputation, Molly knows she alone holds the key to unlocking the killer’s identity. But that key is buried deep in her past, as long ago, she knew J. D. Grimthorpe. Molly begins to comb her memory for clues, revisiting her childhood and the mysterious Grimthorpe mansion where she and her dearly departed Gran once worked side by side. With the entire hotel under investigation, Molly must solve the mystery posthaste. Because if there’s one thing she knows for sure, it’s that secrets don’t stay buried forever.

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