Why Christian Kids Need a Christian Education: What Does the Christian Faith Have to Do with Where Your Kids Go to School? | 拾書所

Why Christian Kids Need a Christian Education: What Does the Christian Faith Have to Do with Where Your Kids Go to School?

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At the beginning of history, God established a foundational enmity between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent. this is an antithesis that cuts across all areas of human life, including education. Christian parents are left with only two options for the training of their children: faithful education or unbelieving education. though the right choice seems obvious, many Christian parents do not see the antithesis.

In this little book, Douglas Wilson presents the case for providing a faithful, Christian education for all Christian kids, and explains why we even have to make that case to begin with.

The "Answers in an Hour" series is an ongoing collection of short and easily digestible books written with the inquirer in mind. These little books provide brief studies of various topics of interest to Christians who seek instruction that is grounded in biblical theology.

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