Worship: The Path to The Atman (by ITP Press) | 拾書所

Worship: The Path to The Atman (by ITP Press)

$ 604 元 原價 604

Are you seeking a deeper connection with the divine? Explore the transformative power of worship in "Worship: The Path to The Atman." This insightful book invites you to embark on a spiritual journey that leads you to the essence of your true self.

Delve into the rich tapestry of religious practices and rituals that guide individuals on the path of self-realization. Discover how the act of worship can elevate your consciousness, awaken your inner divinity, and nurture a profound sense of unity with the divine.

Through engaging narratives and profound teachings, "Worship: The Path to The Atman" illuminates the significance of devotional practices in various spiritual traditions. Gain a deeper understanding of the power of prayer, meditation, and sacred rituals in cultivating a direct connection with the divine presence.

Prepare to be inspired and transformed as you explore the sacred realm of worship. This book will guide you toward a profound spiritual awakening and empower you to infuse your daily life with devotion, reverence, and a deeper sense of purpose.

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